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Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: Second International Conference, SSVM 2009, Voss, Norway, June 1-5, 2009. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Xue-Cheng Tai
Knut Morken
Marius Lysaker
Knut-Andreas Lie (eds.)
30.06 Mb
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: Second International Conference, SSVM 2009, Voss, Norway, June 1-5, 2009. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Xue-Cheng Tai
Knut Morken
Marius Lysaker
Knut-Andreas Lie (eds.)
13.37 Mb
Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces: 7th International Conference, MMCS 2008, Tønsberg, Norway, June 26-July 1, 2008, Revised Selected Papers ... Computer Science and General Issues)
Morten Dæhlen
Michael S. Floater
Tom Lyche
Jean-Louis Merrien
Knut Morken
Larry L. Schumaker
12.74 Mb
Mathematical methods for curves and surfaces: 7th int. conf., MMCS 2008, Tonsberg
Morten Dæhlen
Michael S. Floater
Tom Lyche
Jean-Louis Merrien
Knut Morken
Larry L. Schumaker
Cs_Computer science
CsLn_Lecture notes
9.07 Mb